wouldn't put it past someone

wouldn't put it past someone
expr infml

I wouldn't put it past him to run off with the money — От него можно было вполне ожидать, что он смоется с деньгами

I wouldn't put it past him to cheat at cards — Он такой человек, что может запросто жульничать в карты

I wouldn't put anything past that man — Я думаю, что этот человек на все способен

I wouldn't put it past you to hit the bottle on the sly — Тебе ничего не стоит кирять тайком

Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. - М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» . . 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "wouldn't put it past someone" в других словарях:

  • I wouldn't put it past someone — I wouldn t put it past (someone) used to say that you would not be surprised if someone did something bad I wouldn t put it past him to lie. I don t know if she ever cheated on an exam, but I wouldn t put it past her. • • • Main Entry: ↑past I… …   Useful english dictionary

  • I wouldn't put it past someone — I wouldn t put it past (someone) something that you say when you think that it is possible that someone might do something wrong or unpleasant. Do you really think he d go off with another woman? I wouldn t put it past him. I wouldn t put it past …   New idioms dictionary

  • I wouldn't put it past someone (to do something) — I wouldn’t put it past someone (to do something) phrase used for saying that you think someone is capable of doing something bad I wouldn’t put it past him to steal from his own family. Thesaurus: ways of giving your opinionsynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wouldn't put it past one — {v. phr.} To think that someone is quite capable or likely to have done something undesirable or illegal. * /Congressman Alfonso is insisting that he didn t violate congressional ethics, but knowing both his expensive habits and his amorous… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wouldn't put it past one — {v. phr.} To think that someone is quite capable or likely to have done something undesirable or illegal. * /Congressman Alfonso is insisting that he didn t violate congressional ethics, but knowing both his expensive habits and his amorous… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wouldn't\ put\ it\ past\ one — v. phr. to think that someone is quite capable or likely to have done something undesirable or illegal. Congressman Alfonso is insisting that he didn t violate congressional ethics, but knowing both his expensive habits and his amorous escapades …   Словарь американских идиом

  • I wouldn't put it past — (someone) used to say that you would not be surprised if someone did something bad I wouldn t put it past him to lie. I don t know if she ever cheated on an exam, but I wouldn t put it past her. • • • Main Entry: ↑past I wouldn t put it past… …   Useful english dictionary

  • I wouldn't put it past — (someone) something that you say when you think that it is possible that someone might do something wrong or unpleasant. Do you really think he d go off with another woman? I wouldn t put it past him. I wouldn t put it past Lorna to deny all… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not put it past someone — not put it past (someone) to not be surprised if someone does something unacceptable. Jenny wouldn t put it past Jess to turn Lester in to the FBI and claim the reward. She had a great imagination, and I wouldn t put it past her to make the whole …   New idioms dictionary

  • not put it past someone — believe someone to be capable of doing something wrong or rash I wouldn t put it past him to slip something into the drinks …   Useful english dictionary

  • put smth past smb — be surprised by what someone does I wouldn t put it past him to try and sell the main part of the company and leave the rest …   Idioms and examples

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